01 Aug 2018

P.A.R.E.N.T.S. (Youth Sunday)

19 August 2018. Today we celebrate Youth Sunday in Trinity Methodist Church, Kuching. The Youth will not exist without our parents, so therefore, I will use the acronym P.A.R.E.N.T.S. to share with you more about Trinity Youth.

P – Parents
On the behalf of the Trinity Youth, we would like to thank our most wonderful parents for being our biggest supporter. It is a big deal for us. Thank you for taking time to send us to youth meetings and activities. It means a lot to us, because at the youth gatherings, we can meet our friends and have fun. For all you do, thank you.

A – Along
I would like to represent the Youth to ask all of you to walk along with us. We not only need our own parents, but for all the adults in the church, the brothers, sisters, uncles, aunties, and even the grandparents to walk along with us in this journey of faith.

R – Run the Race
Hebrew 12: 1 – 3 part of which says “let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us”. The moment we accept Jesus as our personal Savior and Lord, and the King of our lives, we start a race. This race is not an easy race. We might look like we are calm in the church, but we are struggle in the world out there. Please pray for us and help us run this race. If you haven’t accepted Christ as your personal Savior and Lord, please talk to our pastors, and let us run this race together.

E – Enthusiastic
The youth are a bunch of enthusiastic, excited, energetic little adults. Sometimes, we might annoy you with our loud voices, non-stop chatter and shrieking laughs, but please bear with us until we grow out of it.

N – Nurture
In youth, you might think that we play games every week. But no, we don’t. We also have bible studies, at least twice a month. At this point, I want to say thank you to all the advisors for really, really taking good care of us, not only physically but also spiritually. I am also saying this to assure the parents out there, that your children are safe with us in Trinity Youth.

T – Talents
God has given each and every one of us gifts and talents. In Trinity Youth, we learn to polish these talents. For example, if a youth have talent in music, he can join the worship team and from there, he can polish his talents and use it to glorify God’s name.

S – Serve
God did not given us talents for nothing but He gave us talents to serve him and to glorify Him. We as the Youth, we serve in different ministries. For example our ushering team as well as our worship team. In the youth, being able to help out in the different ministries of the church really makes us feel at home.

These are somethings that we do in Trinity Youth. When your kids approaches the age of 12, they are most welcomed to join us. See you every Saturday night, 7.30pm at the Chapel of the Good Samaritan.

By Stephen Noel
Trinity Youth,
Trinity Methodist Church, Kuching