CAC News
01 Jun 2014

“布道我行!”2014 年布道营

Source/Author: 报道/图文: 甘慧仪 摄影:甘慧仪/余国铨牧师

《南钟》2014 年 5-6 月号<年会动态>

4 月 22 至 24 日,年会在波德申卫理中心举办“布道我行!”2014 年布道营,共有三百十六人报名。

22 日下午二时三十分,会众敬拜赞美后,布道营主席钱本华弟兄在开幕仪式上 简介办布道营的宗旨。他说,基督徒要常常更新自己布道的心志,保持热诚使命、提升布道素质和实践之,如保罗所说的,“务要传道,无论得时不得时,若不传福音,我便有祸了“。接着,钱主席向会众介绍讲员——来自澳洲的杨温柔牧师和洪南明牧 师(皆马籍)。

布道营人数突破原定三百人的目标,西马华人年议会会长莫泽川牧师为此感谢父神,也感谢以钱弟兄为主的筹委会。莫会长直言,生命极其脆弱,饥渴的人群亟需认 识福音。当世界各地的天灾人祸頻起,MH 370 坠机、韩国客轮沉船、备受尊敬的国 会议员卡巴星因车祸骤逝等意外,都让人们措手不及,哀痛难当。

思随卡巴星命丧车祸的助手迈克 (Michael) 时,卡巴星的女儿作此见证:“他(迈克)为我父亲终有一天能够站起来而祷告、禁食,每天都随身携带圣经。”伟大的政治家卡巴星能否进入天堂,须端视其心中是否有主耶稣基督?!撇此不谈,莫会长认为,迈克的生命是行动的福音,是强而有力的布道见证。

随即,莫会长公布 2015/2016 年为“年
会布道年”,主题:靠主圣灵 布道我 行。语毕,莫会长奉父、子、圣灵之名,宣布布道营正式开始!

文:“......我又听见主的声音说:‘我可以差遣谁呢?谁肯为我们去呢?’我说:‘我在这里,请差遣我!’”(赛 6:1-8) 在“营造布道的气氛与使命感”的课题上,杨牧师说,每个圣徒皆有神的呼召,所 以,信徒要成为奉献、服侍、传道之人,为主作见证,“无论如何总要救些人”(林 前9:22 下)。

部分,而是所有事工的导向,渗透事工的每一个层面。传统的事工模式以这六种活动并重,即祈祷、教导、崇拜、团契、关 怀和布道;但在圣经的模式里,布道是最重要的事工。牧者和领袖必须身先士卒,带 动他人,一起促进教会圣工的发展。布道是从个人‘我肯、我愿意’的态度开始的; 再者,每一次活动是装备、差遣大家向外宣传福音的好机会。故,在圣灵的感动和更 新下,信徒认识布道的重要性、知道如何做和愿意一再去做布道事工,就能使教会流 露出浓厚的布道气息。要使更多人归主,就有赖于每一个爱上帝的人昼夜思想和奔跑传道。”

理性”;传福音的结果不在人为,传道者只要忠心、尽心,把结果交给主即可。无论对方有没有信主,传道者末后的赏赐是大的。杨牧师也指出,主留给我们的大使命有赖于布道与教导,须建立更多教会才能 达成目标。植堂的好处是可进行更多的牧养、让人更依靠主、发掘到人才的乐趣、可 应时所需,改变布道的方向;但,凡事要以圣灵指引,传道者还须不畏艰辛,找到适 合的福音伙伴和传福音的地点。


“有效的布道法与跟进”的方法包括街头布道、逐家布道、电话布道、网际网络 (以文字或个人对个人布道)。主耶稣是福音的核心内容,他本身也是传扬者。布道 是主的命令:“父怎样差遣我,我也怎样差遣你们”,所有信徒应当顺服。

成大使命;每个信徒都可这么做,其渗透性大,能满足不同人的需求。总而言之,有效的布道法与跟进,是教会增长之秘诀。布道是一个长线的过程,不是一次过的短线行动,并非讲了一次道、作了一个见 证、提出一个邀请等等就结束了。布道者必须抛出长线,是具有目标的投资,为要把 众人“完完全全地引到上帝面前”(西 1:28)。

对植堂的成功是非常重要的。好领袖必须深信教会是充满能力和潜力的,他必须能实现异象、必须有团队配搭和能培育人才。洪牧师也播放一则激励短片《韩国世界路金兰教会 从十人到七千人之神迹》, 观者无不动容,感触良久,深信这短片能为会众打开不一样的布道渠道,从此更新。

钱弟兄在 “2015 布道年活动讲解”中,
指出当前的布道实况和布道年可进行的各项布道行动及事工,希望来年可推动年会、教区、堂会结合的三合一力量,推行“爱吾邻舍”活动,促使全体教会以合一步伐,向亲友(邻舍)传福音,以落实莫会长在 2012 年年议会《会长演辞》中推展的“大吉隆城市布道与植堂事工”。钱弟兄再 三嘱咐,即使完成布道爱筵后,信徒接下来的跟进工作非常重要,取决于其带领邻舍 归主的决心与委身。

教区长证道。他说,除了主耶稣迫切传福 音的态度,使徒保罗也是我们学习的对象。主看见许多的人,走遍各城各乡, 怜悯困 苦流离者,宣讲天国福音,医治各样病症。保罗也以<罗马书>1 章 13 至 16 节来宣告 自己的信念。他“不以福音为耻,愿意尽力得些果子,福音本是上主的大能,要救一 切相信的”。保罗的心志、决心、宣告与爱人的灵魂是肯定的:“我传福音原没有可 夸的,因为我是不得已的。若不传福音,我便有祸了。我若甘心做这事,就有赏赐; 若不甘心,责任却已经托付我了。”(林前 9:16-17)方教区长也强调,传福音不是 我们的选择,因我们是蒙主呼召。

长在台上赠礼给两位讲员。午餐后,会众在偌大的食堂继续高谈阔论,对“爱吾邻舍”事工似是摩拳擦掌、迫不及待了。看来“2015/2016 布道年”还没正式展开,这里就先炒热气氛了,希望大家能积极炒到最高点,“道声” 鼎沸!

                   "Everyone can evangelize"
                                 CAC Evangelism Camp

Date: 22nd - 24th April 2014
Place: Port Dickson Methodist Centre
Participants: 360 people
Organiser: Board on Evangelism

"Preach the word; be prepared in season and out of season..." (II Timothy 4:2)

The Chinese Annual Conference held an Evangelism Conference at the Port Dickson Methodist Centre. The main speakers for the conference were Rev. Yong Wen Rou from Australia and Rev. Hong Nam Ming.

In the opening ceremony, Bro. Ching Poon
Hwa, the chairman of the Board on Evangelism, made the call that Christians ought to "renew their spirit of evangelism, sustain the zealousness of the Great Commission and always equip themselves with the technique of evangelism".

The President of the Chinese Annual Conference,
Rev. Boh Che Suan, in his opening address used the examples of the MH 370 Crisis, the Korean shipwreck and the death of renowned politicians YB Karpal Singh to illustrate the pain and grief of many people these days and also vulnerability of the life of human beings.

In emphasizing the importance of evangelism,
President Boh used the example of the late Michael who was the personal assistant to the late YB Karpal Singh. Both of them dies tragically in a car accident a few months ago. In YB Karpal's memorial service, his
daughter testified that "Michael had always
prayed and fasted that her father (who was crippled in a previous accident) would one day be able to stand up again. Michael was a strong believer that carried his bible wherever he went. Michael's life was indeed the "Gospel in action" - a strong testimony of evangelism.

Rev. Boh then while declaring the opening of
this evangelism conference, announced that 2015/2016 shall be the year of Evangelism for CAC.

The speaker, Rev. Yong Wen Rou, read from Isaiah 6:8 saying "Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying 'whom shall I send? And who will go for us?' And I said, 'Here am I, send me!'" Rev. Yong stressed that "as every saint had the calling from God, they should offer themselves to the preaching of the word and witness for the Lord."

Evangelism and Mission were not only a minor part of ministry but rather ought to be the focus of every ministry. Since according to the Bible, evangelism has been the most important ministry, every pastor and church leaders should be involved in it and lead others to the area of evangelism. Evangelism begins with the attitude of “I am willing” and followed by the equipping in evangelism as we carried out the task of evangelism. Through the renewal by the Holy Spirit, every believer will know the importance of evangelism, learn the knowledge and skill of evangelism, and together evangelize to lead many to Christ.

Rev. Hong said, in his message, that “only
when believers understand the parable of “the Good Samaritans” then they will be able to take care of their neighbor with action. The most effective way of evangelism includes street evangelism, home evangelism, telephone and evangelism through the cyber world. Jesus himself is the message of evangelism and yet he was also the preacher of the Gospel. Evangelism is the commission of our Lord, therefore we should submit to his sending as he said “Just as the Father had sent me, so send I you.”

Translated by
Rev. Ong Chin Hin