01 Jan 2019

Rewind 2018

Today is the last day of 2018. Reflection time.

As I write, my thoughts inevitably turn to the past twelve months of happenings. 

Topping the list is of course, the addition to our family - baby Ariel!

Ariel, a gift from God, is our little treasure and bundle of joy. I relished in taking photos and videos of her. I would smile as I think of her every morning when I awake. Truth be told, much to our joy, the apple of our eye has disrupted our daily rhythms though we do not stay under the same roof!

Perhaps in a more subtle aspect, being grandparents for my wife and I, also meant that the parenting role for us is diminishing. My wife and I now take a front-seat row to observe our son and daughter-in-law navigate their parenting tasks that will surely bring new delights and unknown challenges.

My wife and I have done our best to coordinate organizing the Brigade Council Meeting hosted in Miri. This Boys’ Brigade event is held annually in different nominated cities in the country. Miri Mayor Adam Yii was our Guest-of-Honor. More than 170 delegates from the various State Councils throughout the country were in attendance from April 20-21.

We are also grateful to be given the opportunity to serve in the BB Love Box from November 3 to December 8. Collectively, all seven Miri Boys’ Brigade Companies managed to raise 5,700 gifts benefiting needy students and families in 17 schools and longhouses. I’m thankful to Rev. Dr. Tie King Tai, President of Sarawak Chinese Annual Conference (SCAC) of the Methodist Church, for taking time and effort to do a personal video with his mobile phone to promote the BB Love Box.

To maintain a healthy lifestyle, my son managed to convince me to play badminton again after a lapse of five years. Playing twice a week on average, I now feel rejuvenated and fit. It was also a blessing that I was fine enough to donate blood in April, July and October. I also passed my annual blood tests.

My wife and I were reconnected with an old friend in Ipoh in June when we took a short break during the Raya holidays. We have not seen Alice since 1995 when she relocated back to West Malaysia from Brunei. Friends like her are gems! In Ipoh, we also met up with my 84-year-old 3rd Aunt (maternal side). Our previous encounter was way back in 1973! However, little did we realize that it would be the last time meeting her as she was called to The Lord recently. I also grieved when a dear friend and school mate in Sibu passed away due to illness.

In late August, my wife and I joined her family for a Taiwan trip. There were 13 of us. The fellowship we had was priceless and we enjoyed each other’s company every bit. 

Thank You, God, for your blessings in 2018.

Thank you to all our friends who have been part of our lives in 2018.

Tomorrow is the New Year.

It fills me with new hope and great anticipation. 

For me and my family, we will continue to serve The Lord faithfully.

By God’s grace, the writer has been married for 35 years now and has two grown sons, a daughter-in-law and a cheery grand daughter. He enjoys blogging about real-life experiences and church ministry. A food enthusiast, he loves cooking for his family and close friends. 

By James TC Wong